Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Where You're Going

"People will tell you where they've gone
They'll tell you where to go
But till you get there yourself you never really know" Amelia - Joni Mitchell 

During this summer, I have been setting my alarm for the mornings where I may oversleep and miss an appointment or scheduled event in my life that happens in the morning, but I have found myself waking up without the alarm even earlier than I set the ring to go off. The morning has often been the beginning of my day, the challenge I have to create the canvas of my life as I direct it and walk on.  A time to hear the ocean-like sound of cars on the expressway. A time to feel life slowly so it doesn't have to slip away so fast. A time to see the day as our life where we live and change as the cycles of morning and evening come. 

Even when we have appointments, we have the time we choose to do something with.  For those of you reading my blog for the first time, this post will be an invitation. I invite you to look at my other posts and think about those transcendent moments you choose to create or those that have just happened. How life doesn't have to be routine, it can be what makes your life matter to you. If you have read this before, I would like you to consider sharing what this thinking has made you think of, or experiences where barefoot life or life lived beyond the realm of measured time where we feel life's wonder and beauty in the comment space below.  

For you, I could be one of those people who may tell you where I've been, or recommend what to do and feel and experience. Yet, I can't live your life, create your beauty. I can only hope to inspire it with what inspires mine. That's why Joni Mitchell's song lyric is so significant to me. It reminds us that we can go anywhere in our hearts, in our lives, in anyway we can at the moment and see what that does to our lives. 

Day breaks, night falls, the cycles begin to look mundane, until we stop and see what made today real to us. Stop and think what changed us, who made us laugh, who we talked with, where we were. 

This is life barefoot. I hope you consider sharing what experiences mean something to you. I hope this will inspire a conversation of inspired experiences and life's awe and wonder. Also, if you have any questions about what I mean in my writing, comments about where I could be more clear, or any other thought that may not be addressed, feel free to ask and I'll respond as soon as I can. 

Along the trail to the summit of Mt. Marcy
Ferris Wheel

These photos were taken and show some of these moments where I feel life is barefoot, though I am often not barefoot when experiencing these things for safety reasons!

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