Thursday, November 20, 2014

In Front Of Our Eyes

After wandering in this year for awhile, I've noticed that the calendar year is about to cycle back to it's beginning. What was once starting is now ending, at least that's what it seems. With the paradox of beginnings and endings, there is always an unknown. As if to chart the future, I chronicle the past in hope of understanding where I as a person and we as a species have been. I have written much about the happenings that bring me out of the past and into the future. What stands before me is the present.

How should I create a present out of all the media that arrive at my feet from the past. This "baggage" might actually be a toolbox or backpack of knowledge. In front of my eyes is the view in any direction I choose to look. There is a way that I choose to live, with the perspective I have gained from sharing and being shared with, that creates a life. There is so much creativity that abounds in front of my eyes and into my ears. As I receive, so I also give.

To participate in this cycle is to notice what I have and to know the impact of having it. To speak broadly, to have friendship is to have someone in my life in whom I can have the joy of sharing interests with. The more it is developed, the more the friendship may acquire a greater connection from deepening a bond with experiencing life together.

There is no concrete way this can be done, except by beginning here-wherever here is for you. We will never experience something exactly as someone else does. We can only taste and know that what we experience should be out of our hopes, our yearnings, out of what we find good - and begin to engage in making this thing called a future, in remembering the past with the dignity of all its humanity and worldliness and to continue the journey.

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